APIs iNuba Connect

iNuba Connect

Easily integrate through an API a catalog of premium nutrition, fitness and health services to boost your company’s potential.

Benefit from our technology to improve your service

Nutrition API

Integrate our nutrition services into your digital ecosystem and generate customized plans prepared by nutritionists for your users.

Take advantage of a recipe book with thousands of dishes with detailed nutritional information and adapt the plans in real time thanks to our lifetracking system.

Nutrition API iNuba Connect
Fitness API Connect

Fitness API

Integrate our fitness services and showcase our personalized training plans developed by Sport Science experts to your users.

Make them enjoy efficient video training routines adapted to their preferences, availability and goals. All of them based on current scientific evidence and always constantly updated.

3D Mobile API

Integrate our 3D technology and generate a 3D body avatar with basic metrics and health indexes from your own platform.

Enjoy all the benefits of having a digital avatar generation service with information about body composition, health indexes and perimeters, among others.

3D avatar API iNuba Connect

Technology to impress your customers

Contact us if you want to integrate our technology with your products/services.